Latest Release
By Bupinder Singh Bali
Those Who
The Sikhs Of Kashmir
One fine day, while taking class, Bupinder gets a phone call that disrupts his life. As Kashmir simmers with tension and minorities face increasing threats, he finds himself in a dilemma: stay in his homeland or seek refuge elsewhere.

A Word From The Author
Bupinder Singh Bali
Understanding Govt Education System in Kashmir.
Despite all the planning and money spent, the quality of education has declined over the years “Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.”– G. K. Chesterton Literally, education means the imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning, especially…
Descriptive Writing and Mindfulness: How One Reinforces the Other
I teach high school students, the bunch that is most wild, unorganized, and constantly in flux, yet passionate and aspiring. I have been a teacher for a long time now, but I essentially missed the art of teaching descriptive writing until recently I realized my flaw. I now ask…
My Top 10 recommendation for new readers
September 22,2023 Writing and Reading go hand in hand. Both compliment each other. It’s like a kiss – you can’t do it alone. Reading makes you aware, open-minded and gives you an insight into a world which doesn’t exists for people who don’t read. Reading is like self-stimulating your…
Our Knowledge of the borders of Kashmir, its reasons to be a part of India, is incomplete without knowing the history of Sikhs in Kashmir. In a moving, elegiac, haunting tale, Bupinder Singh Bali brings to us the story of the Sikhs in Kashmir. A must read.

Amandeep Sandhu,
Author, Punjab; Journey Through the Fault Lines.
The minority narrative in Kashmir largely revolves around the exodus of the Pandits, to the extent that even the cinema has been created around this upheaval. Amidst this political maneuvering the status and condition of the Kashmiri Sikhs have been wept under the carpet. No one knows about their conditions expect for those living there. I’m glad that Bupinder Singh Bali has picked up his pen and turned his talent to bring into the public domain the story of the Sikh. I hope more such books emerge from Kashmir

Khushwant Singh, author & former State Information Commissioner, Punjab.
A profound and compelling exploration of the Sikhs community in Kashmir, delving deep into the nuances of micro-minority existence and shedding light on the challenges and triumphs of the Sikh Populace. With its insightful narrative and rich analysis, this book is an indispensable read for gaining insights into the challenges and resilience of the Kashmiri Sikh Community.
Manjit Singh
Must Read. A breath of fresh air. Conflicting anger inducing, emotional and true. I loved this book. Been waiting for months and finally got my hands on this. Just finished reading, cover to cover.